Nursing evidence-based interprofessional practice guidelines for impaired religiosity in ICU – Systematic Literature Review

Michelle Cortez Marchetti, Isabel CF da Cruz


Objective: To analyze published articles that answer through literature research the clinical question identifying in her the importance of the nurse professional, as well as the interventions adopted by the nursing team, in front of the client hospitalized in an intensive care unit with diagnosis of impaired religiosity. Methods: It is a descriptive and qualitative research being adopted bibliographical study from publications of material contained in the internet in the following bases: Virtual Health Library (VHL); Scielo, LILACS and BDENF. Results: The results reveal 10 published articles identified and analyzed by the thematic analysis technique, in which three categories of analysis emerged: Consequences of spiritual suffering; Relationship between impaired spirituality and values of belief in the concepts: Health versus Disease and Importance of the nurse in the implementation of care to the client with diagnosis of impaired religiosity. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the diagnosis of Nursing of Impaired Religiousness is of great importance to be signed by the professional nurse, since through its identification, it is possible to establish the plan of care for this client, so that it can be assisted in the Unit of Intensive Therapy by the multiprofessional team, allowing a greater mutual approximation. It is through the survey of the health-disease process that the nurse will enable its participation as a member of the health team, and will formally record in the client's medical records their diagnostic findings, will optimize Nursing care, and will fully comply with the legislation in force in view of the Systematization of Nursing Care - SAE.


impaired religiosity; nursing care; intensive care

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