INTIMATE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN – Systematized Literature Review

Valéria Cristiane Ribeiro, Isabel CF da Cruz


Objectives: To analyze scientific productions on intimate violence against women, besides pointing out the representations of this event from the perspective of nursing professionals relating risk factors to the patient in health units. Method: Systematic review of the literature of 10 scientific articles published between the years 2011 to 2017 in the LILACS, MEDLINE and SCIELO databases, which met the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study. Outcome: The publications have raised issues related to the treatment of nursing in the care of women victims of intimate violence, pointing out their main interventions. Conclusion: Through the evidence of intimate violence against women diagnosed by care in health units, the articles describe that in addition to this care, professionals need to deepen the understanding of how to act in the face of this phenomenon. Among the actions it is necessary that preventive measures be created by the legislation to avoid such violence, which culminates in crimes of feminicide. Examples include: the feeling of anguish may be related to the situation of the woman, but also to the difficulties of the nurses to deal with the issue; nurses are well acquainted with the definition of violence, but they do not know the important epidemiological characteristics of violence against women, which may be a barrier for nurses to attend to women at risk.
Keywords: Violence. Woman. Nursing. Cheers.


Violence; woman; nursing; cheers

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