Vitória Nunes Monteiro Da Silva, Isabel F Cruz


Objective: To analyze existing technologies for changing dressings in intensive care patients. Methods: Descriptive and exploratory study, bibliographical research. Results: In this study, seven articles were chosen for the analysis of data on types of wounds and dressings and the respective technologies applicable to each lesion. They were selected for meeting the inclusion criteria and for presenting relevance to the proposed topic for the discussion and presentation of the results obtained. Conclusion: It is concluded through the study that there are already cutting-edge technologies used in intensive care patients such as venous ulcers, traumatic injury, diabetic foot and treatment of milder chronic wounds. However, in Brazil there is still a need to carry out more studies on the applicability of the technologies mentioned in this article. Recommendation: Thus, it is recommended the implementation and planning of a nursing care plan for patients in intensive care regarding the treatment of wounds and dressing change that is humanized and mediated by available technologies.


Dressings, Technologies, Intensive Care Patients.

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URN: http://www.jsncare.uff.br/index.php/jsncareurn:nbn:de:1983-4152jsncare.v14i1.34818

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