Strategies and digital technologies for nursing intervention in ostomy care in highly complex patients - Systematized Literature Review

Ana Claudia Cunha, Isabel F Cruz


Objective: ostomies are the exteriorization of an organ through a surgical opening in the epithelium. Postoperative complications and pathophysiological factors can cause skin lesions, feelings of rejection, damage to self-esteem, sexuality, work and social activities and the performance of daily tasks. Therefore, the objective of this review study was to identify and compile the best evidence on digital strategies and technologies for nursing intervention in ostomy care (ICNP® code: 10032788), in highly complex patients. Method: This is a systematic review of the literature carried out in the Virtual Health Library (BVS), Nursing Database (BDENF), Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (Lilacs) and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System OnLine (MEDLINE), between September and November 2022, using the PICOT strategy. Results: according to the 10 articles selected for the study, digital technologies associated with educational technologies are valid and contributory tools for the reduction of complications in stomas. Conclusion: Digital technologies and educational nursing interventions are strategies for transferring knowledge and best practices aimed at managing stomas and adapting to activities of daily living.


Ostomy; Nursing Care; Critical Care

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