What is the best digital technology for nursing intervention in Peripheral Venous Access (PVA) to the high complexity patient under intensive care? – Systematized Literature Review

Livia G Andrade, Isabel CF da Cruz


Patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are submitted to several therapies, among them Intravenous Therapy (IVT) and for that, Peripheral Venipuncture (PV) is necessary. Challenges are encountered by nursing for the patient's PV and biomedical technology has become an ally to facilitate the procedure. Objective: to search, in the scientific literature, digital technologies that help in nursing intervention during PVP. Method: this is a systematic review of the literature carried out in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), PubMed, Medline and Lilacs in October 2022, with the descriptors: “peripheral catheterization”, “technology”, “biomedical technology” , “nursing” and their combinations with the Boolean operators “AND” and “OR”. Inclusion criteria were: full text available, language (Portuguese, English and Spanish), articles as type of document and publication interval between 2015 and 2022. As exclusion criteria: articles outside the theme, duplicates, related to pediatric patients and neonatal. After the search, application of the criteria, reading and analysis of the articles, 10 articles were selected to compose the sample and apply the practical question with the PICOT strategy. Results: the nursing intervention in PVP associated with technologies, such as an ultrasound system and a system for visualizing superficial veins by emitting infrared light, reduces the number of puncture attempts, increasing the chance of success in the first attempt, reduces complications and patient anxiety. Conclusion: The technologies have advantages over traditional PVP methods, and it is necessary to encourage their use, develop defined protocols, as well as train professionals in the use of the device. Thus, evidencing the importance of nursing decision-making for the use of technology in PVP, based on scientific evidence.


peripheral venipuncture; technologies; nursing; intensive care unit;

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